Monday, August 11, 2008

OK - I'll admit it

Well I didn't know it but I have fully consumed the Apple Kool-Aid.

I just got the 3G iphone and OMG I love it!

I got a Verizon network Q a couple of years ago and I ended up taking it off of the internet. It was costing me more than I thought was reasonable and I couldn't control when it was signing on and using my minutes. Got a couple of bills over $200 and every time I talked to Verizon I got a different story. So I ended up with a "brick" of a smart phone.

Recently my daughter-in-law got her a 3G iphone - and I was immediately blown away. It didn't take a week before my son had one also. My lovely wife said "You need one of those" and being a loving husband I didn't want to disagree.

I don't use it to the full advantage - I have 3G turned off - unless I need a full broadband access. I have WiFi at home and at work, I have a comfortable Edge network, so why did I go to the new phone? It's because it's there if I need it. It is blazing fast, my hometown has a 3G network (even if somewhat spotty) and most places I travel will have it. So if I need quick data connection it's there.

But more than that the interface is so intuitive - texting is no longer getting pissed because window's mobile sent my messages while I was typing. I know the 3G has it's bugs, I downloaded the update as quick as I could, but until you have lived with the crap that passes as smart phones you don't know how easy the OS for the iPhone really is.

So I'm thinking that when Apple says "This is what you need" I think I'll just have to get it.

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