Friday, January 11, 2008


I don't know if I have mentioned this but I have four grandkids, 3 boys and a girl. They are wonderful and give you a chance to relive a lot of times that you were too busy trying to make a living instead of enjoying your children. You should enjoy your children as they grow up, but I don't think anyone realizes how fleeting that time is.

Two of my grandsons live in the same town and come over every morning and have breakfast prior to going to school. It is always interesting to listen to them and wonder how their thought processes work.

This morning the younger one started stating random words, such as "icicle, chicken, orange" one right after another. His brother finally said "what?" and the younger looked at him and said "Haven't you played this game before? Now it's your turn." which completely confused everyone. He then explained the rules, you say random words, until someone says what, then it's their turn to say random words until someone else says "what."

It's interesting to see how their little minds work.

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